Submission website: OpenReview

Submission deadline: Apr 19 May 17, 2024, 23:59 (Anywhere On Earth)

Author notification: May 24 June 17, 2024

We welcome original research papers ranging between 4-8 pages in length (not including references or supplementary materials), formatted according to the ACL 2023 style. Submissions should be in .pdf format. Since the review process is double-blind, all papers should be appropriately anonymised. Authors have the option of including supplementary manuscript containing further details of their work into the same .pdf file, it is entirely up to the reviewers to decide whether they wish to consult this additional material. Authors are strongly encouraged to make data and code publicly available whenever possible. The accepted papers will be posted on the workshop website and will not appear in the ACL proceedings.

In addition, we welcome extended abstracts of up to 2 pages that describe open problems and challenges in this area. The papers will be non-archival, we welcome papers that have been published or submitted to other places. However, authors are required to acknowledge their papers’ original appearance in such cases.

All accepted papers and extended abstracts will be presented as posters. The program committee will select a few papers for oral presentation.